João Teixeira Duarte

Hey, I’m João and I created this website to empower you in a world where technology can be both freeing and imprisoning.

I chose to do it by starting discussions, sharing knowledge and giving people tools.

So I created a place where everyone can start a conversation about how we relate to technology today: the good and the bad.


I’m a software product manager, currently at FARFETCH, the world’s leading luxury fashion marketplace. Our team is responsible for all things Content and Curation, guiding our customers as they explore a near-infinite and evergreen catalogue through both curated editorial content and highly tailored recommendation algorithms. All this while battling for Engagement and ROI.

This is me now, but I’ve been around the block for more than 8 years…

I love what I do, and I’ve come to notice a small set of principles that dictate my decisions every day, and my approach to solving new problems. I call them my four core drives.


I’m more than just a techie:

I always carry a pocket knife and some string, I love Doctor Who, and foxes are my favourite animal.

Drop me an email or check out my path so far.


I rounded up some useful videos, podcasts, tools and books for you to keep safe on the internet: a forest, full of tricky trails, tasty berries and bad wolves disguised as grannies.


I write about the way we relate to tech and how our products and platforms influence us as much as we influence them. And I write for everyone, not just tech people.